Speeding concern? Advice here    Any query about your speeding offence, Email Us

Report Speeding Concerns

How to report your speeding concerns and who to contact.


General concerns around speeding

If you have a general concern about speeding in your community, please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team. These details can be found on Derbyshire Constabulary website.

Offence queries

For offence queries, please contact the Safer Roads Unit (CREST)

Derbyshire Police Safer Roads Unit
PO Box 6061

Tel: 0300 1228760 - 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday

Any queries about your speeding offence, please use the 'Email Us' option.

CREST camera van


Speeding is a major concern raised by the communities across Derbyshire.

To raise a concern about speeding in your community or locality then please contact or speak with your local Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) and inform them of your speeding problem. The SNT are there to work alongside the community they serve and deal with the complaints or issues they raise. In respect of speeding the SNT may be able to monitor the area and/or perform speed checks to try and resolve the problem.

The Safer Neighbourhood Team, work in partnership with CREST and if they have concerns that the speeding issue is a more serious concern, then we will work alongside them to try and reach a suitable conclusion to the identified problem.

CREST also work in partnership with the Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Council and Traffic Management departments in both local authorities.

It is worthy of note that the positioning of speed cameras, installation of new speed cameras, installation of traffic calming measures or features, reduction of speed limits, are all the responsibility of the local authorities and not Derbyshire Constabulary or CREST.

If we have an identified High-Risk site, then the CREST Speed Enforcement Team will complete speed checks in the area, if a suitable location can be identified.

The Chief Constable of Derbyshire and the Police and Crime Commissioner are strong supporters of Road Safety and have funded the Community Speed Watch scheme that is now in place within the county of Derbyshire.

Derbyshire is a very large county and CREST are a small team. Community Speed Watch (CSW) is empowering the public of Derbyshire to assist and work in partnership with their local Safer Neighbourhood Team in conducting speed checks in the communities they live. As a result of CSW speeding vehicles are identified and registered keepers sent warning letters to inform them of them of the offence they have committed. More than one occurrence can result in a visit from your local Constabulary.

If you are interested in Community Speed Watch or wish to join an existing scheme or set up a new scheme, then please contact your local SNT. The CREST Community Speed Watch coordinator will ensure all volunteers are trained and equipped to work in the community.