Speeding concern?
Any query about your speeding offence,We installed our first cameras in 1994, and since then have grown technologically and diversified to meet the public's need. We are the enforcement arm of the Derby and Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership (DDRSP) and also contribute to the operations Derbyshire Constabulary perform.
The Derby and Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership is the organisation that co-ordinates the activities of all the partner agencies that have an involvement in improving road safety. We exist to reduce the number of people killed or injured on the roads of Derbyshire and Derby City.
To learn more about what we do as a Partnership please visit our website by clicking here.
Volunteers from local communities work alongside Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) to monitor speeding traffic in their areas.
Community Speed Watch is a national initiative run by volunteers in communities where speeding and road safety is of concern.
In Derbyshire, those volunteers are trained about best practice, the principals of the scheme, the use of speed radar equipment and how to record the details of those considered to be breaking the speed limit.
The aim is to monitor and record the speed and registration number of speeding vehicles travelling through communities in an attempt to improve driver behaviour, by encouraging drivers to slow down and thereby preventing collisions.
The activity allows us to send letters of advice to the registered keeper of vehicles warning them of the driver's behaviour and dissatisfaction of the community through which the vehicle travelled.
If you would like to read more about what Community Speed Watch involves, please click here to see our booklet.
To join please contact your local SNT or contact the Community Speed Watch team by email to AdminCSW@Derbyshire.Police.UK
To keep up to date with the latest news and updates in your SNT area, follow them on Twitter
Finally, a big thank-you to all the groups and volunteers who together with their local Safer Neighbourhood Officers make the scheme such a success!
Education and training is one of three key strands of road safety, alongside engineering and enforcement
The Derby and Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership and the members of the partnership, provide education and training for many road users including: motorcyclists, young drivers, older drivers and cyclists. For details of what's available please follow the links below: